16th meeting of the Preparatory Committee: a specific focus on Human Resources and Financial issues

The Preparatory Committee has published today the report on its last meeting, which took place in the vicinity of the future UPC local division of Hamburg.

Although the report published does not give any detail on the decisions adopted by the Committee, it appears that the Preparatory Committee focused specifically on human resources and financial issues.

The Preparatory Committee is notably working on issues of pensions, payroll, and health care with the International Service for Remunerations and Pensions. It also announced that the training framework of the UPC was agreed, therefore allowing the Budapest training centre of the UPC to proceed with the planning for training for the first year of operation.

The Preparatory Committee also dealt with issues relating to the contributions of Member States during the provisional application period and the first year of operation. The Co-coordinator of the Financial Working Group, Jean-Francois Magana reported  that the work is well advanced and that Member States will have a good basis to prepare their first contributions to the budget of the Court. To cater for this specific period the Committee also agreed on a set of adaptations to the Rules of the Administrative, Advisory and Budget Committees and discussed corresponding adaptations for the financial management of the court during this period of time.

Finally, the Preparatory Committee reports that the work on the IT system is progressing well although “it is clear that the IT environment of the Court is an area that will need constant development and attention”.

The 17th meeting of the Committee will be held in Stockholm (future location of the Nordic-Baltic regional division) on 30 June 2016.